I had my Ultrasound this afternoon- I never know when they're going to call for me, so I was anxiously awaiting this all day.
Every other week, my US is just to measure fluid levels- I get to see a little bit of Peanut, but they aren't measuring his growth these weeks.
Today, I was very disappointed to see that I have lost fluid. Unfortunately, my fluid level was already very low. I know there's really nothing I can do about it, but I just wish I could make it better. Amniotic fluid is so important for many reasons, some of which I didn't even know before:
- fluid in sac allows baby to practice breathing; the more fluid, the more expansion of the lungs
- fluid allows baby to swim, building muscle tone and improving mobility
- fluid keeps meconium (fetal waste) level down, so baby doesn't get a lung infection
It's very rare for women to 're-seal' but that is the only way my fluid will go back up to a normal level. If I don't re-seal, and my fluid goes up, I will continue to leak and possibly even have gushes (almost like my water is breaking again). I am asking that everyone keep praying for this miracle- this would be the best possible scenario for both me and Peanut.
Sorry if this post was a bit of a downer- I am pretty discouraged this afternoon.
1 comment:
I am so sorry Suzanne. I'm sorry that you're having to go through this. My heart hurts for you and your husband as you are forced to sit and wait, hoping that your sac reseals and your fluid level increases. I pray that this will happen. Know that I am here for you to talk to if you want.
Melissa Dentici
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