Sunday, November 21, 2010

I miss rain

Thomas is here for an entire week!
Unfortunately for Thomas, when he's here, I usually need him to run an errand or two for me, since I'm not allowed to go anywhere. At the moment, he is at Target.

I am now allowed "chair privileges", which means I can sit in the arm chair in my room for about an hour a day. From my chair, I can see the parking garage, some of the street, and the helicopter landing pad. Very exciting. Today, while sitting here, it started raining. I realized it's been over 2 months since I've been outside in rain... and I miss it. How sad, that I miss sloppy, wet weather.

In health news, I was told by my weekend nurse that no one would know I was pPROM based on Peanut's monitor strip. She said he looked "beautiful".(Again, another person telling me this- I think I'm going to have a bumper sticker made-- one of those, slightly obnoxious, "My Child..." stickers.)

I have been doing fine the past few days- no bleeding!- The staff keeps telling me that boring is good, so I'll take boring.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just know that you and your family are in our thoughts and we are all pulling for you. And tell Peanut to behave himself because we all want to see him healthy and strong when he gets here.-Carrie