Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Glucose Test

Belly Time: 26 weeks     Days since rupture: 34     Countdown: 55 days, 11 hours 

I had my glucose test this morning-- My nurse came in at 6:30am and had me drink a syrupy, juice-like substance. Apparently, they test everyone between 26 and 28 weeks, but they were concerned about me, since I haven't gained enough weight (in their book).  Luckily, everything came out fine!

We did have a little monitor scare last night- Peanut (per usual) was very active and danced away from the monitor again. He went on and off very quickly, but in the meantime they were still getting a much lower heart rate (mine). At first, they didn't know it was mine and my nurse was rushing around trying to reposition me (thinking he had rolled over on his umbilical cord). She ran and grabbed a separate monitor for me and after the doctors reviewed the strip, they said it was just me they were picking up, not a major dip in heart rate for Baby. Whew! I had a few minutes of panic there- that's the kind of thing that they make you deliver for-- it's all about keeping baby safe.

I should have an Ultrasound soon, so I will post again after that- today is a fluid update.

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