Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I just wish there were definite answers

Belly Time: 26 weeks, 6 days
Since Rupture: 40 days
Countdown: 49 days

I'm the kind of person that reads the directions- even to something self-explanatory. I just like to know what I'm getting myself into. (Maybe I'm a bit of a control freak.) I think that is what's making this so hard for me- there are no guarantees or clear cut rules- Everything about pPROM depends on the individual. While certain factors place you more at risk for rupture, some people rupture 'just because'. I'm in that group.
Some days it's harder to keep my 'eyes on the prize' so to speak, but I'm trying. I know that Peanut is growing and responding to stimuli, so I really shouldn't complain. I think I'm going to have to start posting a complaint, so I can get them off my chest.

Moment of weakness: It really stinks that I'll be in the hospital for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday.

1 comment:

Dolores Steiger said...

I know it must be hard in the hospital on the holidays. But keep your eye on that beautiful little boy that has a great chance because there is a hospital like the one you are in!! He has stayed put for quite a while now and that is a blessing.

Hope you have a good Thanksgiving with your family and that my little peapods can cheer you up a bit...
