Wednesday, December 8, 2010

29 week update

Belly time: 29 weeks
Time since rupture: 55 days
Countdown: 34 days

Amazingly, we have made it another day. I (along with the perinatal team) am flabbergasted that I am still incubating. My Funny Doc made rounds this morning- he told me no one knows what to do with me, and that you should never trust a pregnant woman. I guess we're especially tricky or something. 

Since we hit 29 weeks today, we got to go down for a growth Ultrasound- those are always my favorites. I've been praying that he would be at least 3 pounds by 29 weeks, but I haven't been able to eat much the past few days since the mag sulfate makes me feel so sick, so we were a little concerned about that affecting his growth. I was thrilled when he measured 3 pounds, 5 ounces. This means he gained almost 1 full pound in 2 weeks- my nurse said he's a 'moose.'  

Right now my plan if care is a little up in the air. (Funny Doc said they all stood around shaking their heads at my chart.) Obviously, the goal is to keep me pregnant for as long as possible, so it seems I'll be on the magnesium indefinitely. I am pretty disappointed about this. Of course I'm willing to do whatever is best for my not-so-Little Guy, but the mag makes me feel absolutely awful. Not to mention, I have to get a new IV every few days- ouch, ouch, ouch. At least my new IV (placed today) is higher up on my arm and not at my wrist like the last-  really hard to do anything, since I couldn't bend my wrist without tugging the IV.

Old Spot

 New IV

This is the cart I have to wheel around with me- even to shower. As you can imagine, it's a bit cumbersome.

Funny Doc told me he didn't think I'd make it to the new year, and that he believes my body is trying to take over- BUT, he also told me I haven't been a normal pPROM patient from the get-go. I know they have been doing this a long time, and they have oodles more experience with this than I do, but I also know that my body didn't complete the progression into labor for a reason. Maybe I can still make it into January. Maybe 34 weeks isn't too lofty a goal, even still. I'll continue praying for God's best for Peanut, but I hope we can make it a long time still. (Preferably without the magnesium sulfate IV.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so excited to read the exciting news, Suzanne! It's a miracle that he's 29 weeks and gaining week! You're a strong woman and are doing amazingly! Keep it up! Continuous prayers!